6 Ways to Get Better at HTML 5 and CSS

Credits: nidhug

Credits: nidhug

In HTML 5, there are a lot of tags you can use and many rules to follow, but making a website doesn’t have to be complicated. In my Workshop 2: Multimedia Authoring and Practices course, taught by Christopher Lewis, I learned how to use code to make a website. I have been meaning to start learning HTML 5 and CSS, but it turned out to be a lot more difficult learning it on my own, so I was very excited to take this course. As it turns out, the course is very informative and practical, exactly what I was hoping for.

I’m still in the course and have much to learn, but here are some tricks I picked up on when working with HTML 5 and CSS:

  • Use tags properly and efficiently: Use “<h1>” and any number between 1 and 6 to make your text larger (don’t forget to close the tag! </h1>). The tag “<!– –>” adds a comment in your HTML that only you can see. The tag “!important” jumps the cue in CSS, giving that tag priority over others and just like in HTML 5, always remember to close your tags in CSS using the “{” and “}” symbols to avoid issues.
  • Clear your cache: If you’re using Adobe Dreamweaver, press F12 to launch your browser to open the page you’re working on. Sometimes, caching can be a problem when you’re trying to see an updated version of your website, so press SHIFT + F5 to clear cache.
  • Know your semantic elements: There are 7 tags that describe the meaning of the content that they structure, and the type of content to the browser and developer, and the parts of a page. This organization is very relevant if you’re working on mobile development. First is the header, which contains the content that introduces a document or section. Next is the navigation, which contains the navigational links. After that are the sections. The sections group the content thematically–think of them as chapters from a book. Next, an article is an independent unit of content, such as a blog entry. After that, there’s the aside, which shows content that is tangentially related, such as a sidebar or a pull-quote. Then, there is the figure which is content that refers to the main document, often represented as an image or illustration. Lastly, the footer contains information about its nearest parent. This includes information such as copyright, links, and the author of the content.
  • Be specific: In CSS, specificity takes priority over vagueness and can overwrite rules, so be as specific as you can when writing your tags. Classes and ids are more specific than elements, so they will take priority.
  • Specify colors in CSS: Colors can be specified using the hexadecimal system, by the color’s actual name, or by using RGB values. The most preferred way of specifying colors is the numbering system because it’s more specific.
  • Be aware of the Block/Box Model: The Block/Box Model describes how the browser should lay everything out by breaking elements into blocks. The first and innermost level of the box is the content. This is where all your text and images go. Next is padding, the distance around the content inside of the border. Then comes the border, which is the area around the content. You can specify its color, width and style. Last is the margin, the area outside of the border between that element and other elements. It can modify the spacing between the text.

This course is structured similar to Workshop 1: Visual Info. and Document Design in the sense that it is very hands-on and the professor engages his students in the lectures. I’m still a newbie at coding and style, but with some practice, I will continue to improve. I was surprised to find how much I enjoy coding and styling in Dreamweaver, and I definitely plan on continuing to learn more about web design. If you would like more information on HTML 5 and CSS styling, check out this great website.

4 Things You Have to Know About Text Design

Credits: Brett Jordan

Credits: Brett Jordan

As writers, we all know that the audience is the most important component to consider when writing. Without the proper language and style in delivering your message, the audience would be lost or disinterested. In my course, Workshop 1: Visual Info. & Document Design, taught by Sharon Winstanley, I learned a lot about how to cater to specific audiences and what to consider in my writing in terms of organization and structure.

Here are some important facts that I learned:

  • Don’t ignore white space: The use of white space is important in constructing any piece of writing. When you don’t have enough white space, your content will look cluttered and make it difficult to read. Putting breaks into your content gives the reader a break as well.
  • Use grids: Grids are a great way to organize large amounts of information. You see them everywhere– in magazines, newspapers and textbooks. They often combine text, images, and pull-quotes.
  • Know your fonts: Knowing which font to use can change how people interpret your message. Serif fonts are often used for titles and sans serif fonts are often used for body text. The serif fonts have little “feet” which can get annoying if you’re reading long stretches of text. It’s possible to use sans serif fonts as titles and serif fonts for body text, just make sure your content is readable.
  • Customize your fonts: Font size, weight and shape determines how visually appealing your text is. If you want to make your text stand out, use a bigger and heavier font. To bring out your more creative side, look for fonts with interesting shapes but make sure it’s legible!

I’m sure we have all read some articles and textbooks where there was barely any white space or headings. This course helped me understand the importance of formatting text using techniques which usually go unnoticed. It was interesting to see how the look and feel of my work changed with some minor changes. You can check out an article I wrote for that class, though unfortunately the format was not transferable to this website.

How to Get Out of an Unhealthy Relationship

Credits: Free Grunge Textures

Credits: Free Grunge Textures

 A rational guide to breaking up

At some point in your life, you may want to share your life with someone, so you’ll get into a relationship. After all, dating is the first step towards finding your “perfect partner.” Once you’re in that relationship, however, you might want to watch out for warning signs as your relationship progresses. It’s harder to recognize warning signs when you’re in the situation. Part of getting out of a bad relationship is realizing you’re in one. So whether you’ve been together for months or years, here are some deal-breakers that you should give some serious thought to.

It’s hard enough finding a partner, let alone the right one. During the first couple of weeks or months, everything seems like a fairytale, but as time goes by, you start noticing faults with your partner, but still, you decide to stay. Getting out of a relationship can be just as hard as getting into one, especially if you’re twenty-something and think that you have to stay in this relationship because you’ve been together for so long. Does this sound like you? An unhealthy relationship harms you in many ways, and you will be much happier in the long run if you leave.

It’s time to open your eyes to the reality of your situation because emotions can cloud your judgement. The first and possibly the hardest step is to take off the rose-coloured glasses and see your relationship for what it really is, not what you want it to be. The next step is ending the vicious cycles. Even after you’ve realized your relationship isn’t going to work, you might still want to keep trying, and this can do more damage than good in the long run. After that, you might want to focus on yourself and work on letting go of the things that don’t make you happy. This can be very difficult and it’s tempting to go back to your ex. Instead, turn to your friends and family for support because they’re the people who know you best and will be there for you. By following these steps, you will come out of the relationship as a stronger person and come one step closer to finding the right person for you.

Recognize the Reality of Your Relationship: How much does your partner value you?


Every good relationship has respect, friendship and support in it, but you also have to consider how your partner’s actions affect you and how you affect your partner. For example, you’re constantly growing and discovering new things about yourself and your partner, but are you contributing to their growth more than they’re contributing to yours? For instance, your growth can be intellectual and come from books that you read. Every time you want to talk about something interesting that you read, your partner interrupts with their own findings and you end up talking more about that than your interests. Good relationships have balance; you shouldn’t feel like any less or more than an equal to that person.


A good friend can be difficult to recognize, so the first important question that you should ask yourself is this: “Is my partner respectful of my limits and desires?” This question could apply to the issues of a relationship moving too quickly for you or choosing how to unwind after a long day of work. Another aspect of your partner that you should think about is “does he or she understand you as a person and help with your daily troubles?” A good partner is not only a good lover, but a good friend as well. If you’ve been in the relationship for a long time, think back to when you were just friends and ask yourself if and how your partner changed since then. If you recently started dating, concentrate on whether your partner is being supportive, attentive, and eager to get to know you.

When you get in a relationship, it’s common to lose sight of the fact that friendship matters just as much as sexual attraction, if not more. Regardless of where you are in your relationship, make sure your partner supports you and you support them too. Showing support can be as simple as offering to carry a bag when you see your partner is having a hard time, or something more serious like dealing with a huge life event.


The next aspect of your relationship that you should consider is your interests, views, beliefs and goals. Essentially, what makes you, you. Then think about how well you “fit in” with your partner. How important are your values and beliefs to you? Do your partner’s values and beliefs conflict with yours? Will all of these factors cause problems in the future? Are your hobbies too different? If so, are you willing to try out different activities and are they willing to do the same for you?

So let’s say that you decided to take on these new activities that your partner participates in and you enjoy them, but not as much as you enjoy your own. Are these new activities getting in the way of what you like to do? You might also want to consider any new bad habits that you find yourself getting into, such as starting smoking or drinking excessively. Not all people have a positive effect on you, and you should do your best to eliminate them from your life despite your feelings.

Maturity Level

Another trait that can potentially harm your relationship is the maturity level of you and your partner. Can you talk about sensitive topics and respect each other’s opinions without getting angry? Is one person remaining calm while the other lashes out and even acts out violently? Can you express your thoughts and feelings to your partner without having to worry about how they will react? These are all questions to consider when evaluating your maturity levels. Maturity levels can be difficult to assess because it’s only after reflecting on the situation after the fact that you can know for sure. Even then, your feelings may get in the way of proper analysis.


Next, you should pay attention to how your partner acts around you and what they make an effort to do for you. A big part of relationships is reciprocation, and if you’re doing more to make your partner happy than they’re doing for you, that’s a problem. You don’t need excess stress in your life; you have your own problems to deal with and don’t need someone else’s to add onto the burden.


One of the traits that would throw off the balance in your relationship is niceness. In kindergarten, we were taught to treat others the way we want to be treated, so most people grow up to be relatively nice people. Are you one of those people? Well, you would be considered a nice person, or sometimes, too nice. In a relationship, this niceness might interfere with making rational choices, such as leaving your partner because they’re not treating you well. Nice people tend to forgive others easily, sometimes for the wrong reasons. If you’ve forgiven your partner countless times and they continue to do things that make you unhappy, intentionally or not, you may want to think about whether there is real balance and harmony in your relationship.

Also, pay attention to how your partner treats others, even strangers like waiters and bus drivers. If they are truly a good person, they will not only treat you well, but others as well. More often than not, a person who treats others poorly but their partner with the utmost respect is compensating for something, using you for their own gain, or is simply not a good person. If someone shows kindness towards your partner and they reciprocate, that is also an indication of a good person. Everyone can be nice to their family and friends, but not many people take the effort to be kind to strangers. A balanced person creates that same balance in a relationship.

Meditate on Your Mood: How do you feel around your partner?

The thrill is gone

If there’s no balance, this could compromise the happiness you feel in the relationship. One of the biggest hints that your relationship is going down the drain is if you’re not having fun together. Do you suddenly find yourself annoyed while engaging in activities you once enjoyed doing with your partner? Are you finding yourself happier on your own or with others? The most evident and obvious sign that you’re not happy is when you simply can’t stand being in the same room as your partner. Their presence annoys you and you just feel like you have to get away. Also, consider how you feel doing mundane tasks with them. No one likes doing the dishes but with the right person, even that can be fun! Are you making excuses to spend time alone or with other people? These may be hints that you’re not happy in your relationship.

Genuine happiness

Another factor that contributes to happiness in a relationship is how much you’re sacrificing for your partner and how much they’re sacrificing for you. Pay attention to who is giving up more for the other. If you find yourself sacrificing something big like your dignity, or lying to make it seem to others that your relationship is better than it is, then you might want to think about whether your partner is making you genuinely happy.


On a bad day, most people have one or a couple of people they go to for comfort and to cheer them up. Often, that person is your closest friend, family member or partner. If your partner is not one of those people you can count on for making you feel better, ask yourself why. Who do you go to first when a major event happens in your life, tragic or exciting? Can you rely on your partner to comfort you and cheer you up? Consider how you feel when you go to your partner for help, advice, or comfort.

At the end of the day, ask yourself these questions: Am I happy? Does he/she make me happy? What does he/she do that makes me happy? Reflecting on these questions will bring you one step closer to breaking the fragile bond that is holding you together.

Cut off vicious cycles: What’s keeping your bond from breaking?

When you’ve been with someone through both the good and bad, you might mistake an unbreakable bond for a sense of closeness you feel to that person because of the experiences you’ve had. You may feel like you can’t leave your partner because you’ve been through so much and you’ve become a part of their life as much as they have become part of yours. Even if the person changed and you’re no longer suited for each other, you may find it difficult to break the bond. Think about the connection that you feel you have with your partner and ask yourself what is keeping this connection strong.

People get into relationships for all sorts of reasons, from being very close friends and realizing you’re meant for each other to going after their money – and they stay for certain reasons as well. Take a look at your partner and ask yourself if you’re with them for their appearance, to make other males or females jealous perhaps? Or is appearance secondary? Is your partner wealthy? If so, did this affect your decision in getting into and staying in the relationship? Is your partner good in bed? If so, are they good at making you feel good in other ways as well? Consider these questions and really try to answer them honestly.

Everyone has flaws but your emotional attachment to your partner may make it difficult to see them. Think about what traits you like about your partner and which ones you would like to change. No one is perfectly happy with their partner, but if you want to change a significant amount of characteristics about them, or you find that some major traits are going to be a problem for you, it may be time to think about your future, how happy you will be then and if your bond is as strong as you believed it to be.

Disappearance of Reliance: Is your relationship deteriorating?

Focus on yourself

In addition to paying attention to your partner, don’t forget about yourself. Do you find yourself focusing on your partner’s activities and needs more than your own? Are you paying more attention to make sure their dreams come true, while setting aside your own? As important as your partner may be, your needs come first. Otherwise, you’ll slowly lose yourself. Also, if you’re finding that you’re spending all of your time with your partner, this could be damaging to you. Everyone needs time to themselves to reflect. Having someone constantly there during all of your extracurricular activities and free time can make you feel like you’re suffocating and lead to instability in your relationship. A good relationship has just enough breathing room without feeling distant from each other, so remember to think about yourself too.

Feel good about yourself

Another factor that can cause instability in your relationship is if you start to put yourself down because your partner criticizes you. You deserve to feel good about yourself, and sometimes that’s easier said than done. You don’t need your partner, of all people, making it harder for you to accept yourself and be happy with who you are. If you notice your partner being less supportive and putting you down, sit down and have a conversation. Sometimes, that’s all it takes. Of course, you need to work together but if your partner is not willing to, it’s not worth your effort because you’re only giving the opportunity for more issues to develop.

When your partner makes you feel bad about yourself, trust diminishes in the relationship and your mind – and heart – starts to wander. You start to notice other men or women more and may find yourself flirting with the cute stranger at the bar while out with your friends. Soon, you might find yourself enjoying someone else’s company more than your partner’s and we all know where that leads: cheating. Cheating can be intentional or accidental, but it’s not good for your relationship. Before you do something you’ll regret, recognize that the trust levels in your relationship are decreasing and talk about the issue with your partner.

Losing trust

With the trust level going down, you or your partner may cling onto each other more closely and might start to feel insecure about yourselves. Insecurity can lead to emotional dependence and the need for emotional reassurance. This emotional dependence can be harmful for your relationship because you will demand more displays of love from your partner. If your partner is the one who has become insecure, you’ll start to get annoyed with their constant questioning of your actions and whereabouts. These are not signs of a stable relationship.

Trust issues are difficult to discuss, so you might want to think about how to approach your partner on this sensitive topic. If you attack your partner and throw accusations, they may take it the wrong way and that’s when fights break out.


Concentrate on your conscience: Is it worth it to stay?

What’s the main cause of fights? Bad communication. Some people have issues with expressing their thoughts and emotions, which is the root of misunderstandings. If you feel that you can’t express your thoughts and concerns to your partner because you fear their reaction will be negative, bad communication and lack of trust may be the problem. However, people also often have trouble understanding others’ points of view because of how they express themselves. If you find that just having a discussion or debate is causing issues with your partner, it may be time to re-evaluate your relationship and whether you make a good couple.

Frequent fights

Every couple has arguments, but it’s how you deal with the issue that matters. That being said, if the frequent fights start because you find yourself constantly in a bad mood while around your partner, that’s a sign that they’re not affecting you positively. Little things can start to bother you the more you spend time with someone, but if they bother you to the point of ruining your mood the instant you get home, then perhaps this relationship isn’t as good as you make it out to be.

Notice what the fights are about and ask yourself if it’s worth it to stay with them despite these day-to-day problems. If the fights are worse than necessary because of your partner’s tone of voice or body language while arguing, then that’s a sign that you’re not happy with how they express themselves. It’s nearly impossible to find the man or woman of your dreams, so you strive to find the one person who fits as close as possible to that ideal. If these problems become greater than you can handle, you should think about if this person is really right for you.

Guilt Trips

A well-known tactic used to get you to forgive someone is to use guilt against them. Guilt trips can be dangerous and damaging, especially when they force you to do something you don’t want to which could potentially make you unhappy. Does your partner make you feel guilty when it was their fault the problem occurred? How often does this happen? How do they react after the fight is over? If your partner often uses guilt trips to get what they want, that is a sign of an unhealthy relationship. There are many ways to deal with disagreements, and some are more effective than others. A good way to deal with disagreements would be to compromise.

Make-up sex

Another ineffective way to deal with arguments is to have make-up sex. Many couples are guilty of this and although it helps to relieve the stress you felt during the argument, the problem is often left unresolved, only alleviated for the moment. If the issue was something small and insignificant but still made you feel distant from your partner, then maybe make-up sex is just what you need. But if the issue was something big and you decided that it was best to not deal with it at the moment, having make-up sex will give you that feeling that everything has been resolved when, in fact, it hasn’t. And if this becomes a habit, this can lead to disastrous outcomes. Try to notice patterns and then work on stopping the same cycles from repeating again by refusing to engage in any physically intimate activity until the problem has been talked through.


A third popular way to solve problems, or give the impression of a solution, is to give or receive gifts. Some people tend to feel that a problem doesn’t matter anymore because the gift shows that their partner cares about them and is sorry. Often, this is not the case. They’re just trying to distract you or calm you down. Don’t let petty purchases get in the way of your view of your partner or the problem at hand.

Often, couples attempt to rekindle the flame that has died down or has even been extinguished for various reasons. Perhaps it was for the best that the flame is gone, but it’s hard to see that in the moment. So think about this: how many times did you try getting back together? Are you any happier now than before?

Act and React: What’s your decision?

Make the decision at the right time

Lastly, remember to never act based simply on emotions because feelings change and if you rely only on them to make decisions, then you won’t understand what you’re doing and why. This will make it difficult to learn from mistakes and to prevent them from happening in the future. Also, if you’re in a relationship and are considering whether breaking up is the right decision, make that decision when you’re not intoxicated or in a vulnerable position because that will cloud your judgment. If you’re still unsure, try talking to a trusted friend or family member for opinions on your partner and the state of your relationship. Sometimes, it can even help to ask someone who doesn’t know much about your relationship because they will be more likely to give you an unbiased opinion.

Peace of mind, body and soul

Always remember that being alone is better than being in a relationship which is damaging to your mind, body and soul. You may feel sad and lost after leaving the relationship, but keep your head up high and remember that you’re a great person on your own. Your partner should be fueling your fire, not extinguishing it. Ultimately, it’s your decision whether you want to stay in the relationship or not, but you will feel less stressed and more pleased with yourself if you get out of an unhealthy relationship.

Inspirational quote of the day

We are living in a culture entirely hypnotized by the illusion of time, in which the so-called present moment is felt as nothing but an infinitesimal hairline between an all-powerfully causative past and an absorbingly important future. We have no present. Our consciousness is almost completely preoccupied with memory and expectation. We do not realize that there never was, is, nor will be any other experience than present experience. We are therefore out of touch with reality. We confuse the world as talked about, described, and measured with the world which actually is. We are sick with a fascination for the useful tools of names and numbers, of symbols, signs, conceptions and ideas.

Alan Watts

3 Useful Tips for Success

Credits: Celestine Chua

Credits: Celestine Chua

Everything you do and have done in your life requires skills; these skills can be applied to professional aspects of your life, if you know how to. In my course, Digesting Technical Information, I learned a variety of skills that I used to apply in various situations. Knowledge is power, but knowing how to use it gives you strength. One thing I liked about this course is that it not only taught the skills, but also gave me the opportunity to practice them, which not many university courses do, at least not to this extent.

Here are 3 things I learned:

  • Know your topic well and be familiar with the technical jargon: Being knowledgeable in your topic can improve yours and others’ comprehensiveness of the content because you can explain the subject better. Technical jargon can be difficult to understand, but if you’re working within the community, it’s not a problem. For others, however, it can be a challenge. Remember that not everyone is familiar with the terms that you are, so if you come across a term which you don’t see used by the general public, define it.
  • Be familiar with your audience: When putting together a presentation, know your audience and give them what they want. If you’re talking to a younger audience, consider their level of experience and expertise in the topic. Make sure to engage your audience as well; no one wants to sit there for hours listening to someone talk.
  • Lists are your friend: Make a list of useful skills that you have learned in school, work, or interpersonal relationships and think of ways how you can use them in your current project. Lists are a great way to organize all that you know so that you can think about how to use them. They provide a visual representation of your skills and can help you gain a better understanding of what you need to improve.

The course was taught by Bernard Aschwanden. I learned how to write a whitepaper and how to break down complex ideas into simple concepts. Have you tried explaining to someone who has never used Facebook how to post a picture, make a post, or poke someone on Facebook? It’s harder than it sounds. All in all, I’m glad I took the course and I hope these skills take me to great places in the future.

7 Ways to Improve Your Writing

As writers, we may experience a strong attachment to our work and may be hesitant to modify our writing style, but change is not always bad. I took a course called Prose: Style and Argument at York University which helped me improve the quality of my writing. At first, I was unsure of how well I would be able to alter my style because leaving your comfort zone can be a challenge. However, I did come out of the course with a broader understanding of what to do and what to avoid when writing in both non-fiction and fiction writing.

Credits: Oscarcillo

Credits: Oscarcillo

Here are some tips:

  • Pay attention to the style your writing community uses: Everyone writes in a unique way depending what community they belong in. You won’t see a novelist writing the same way that a scientific researcher or journalist would. To get a better idea of how each specific community writes, simply read more of their work!
  • In the draft phase of your writing, let your thoughts speak: Paying too much attention to your  grammar can hinder your creative thoughts, so worry about punctuation and grammar later.
  • Avoid dead verbs, wordiness, passive voice and vague pronouns: These are terrible, terrible things which can turn a masterpiece into garbage.
  • When writing a narrative, focus on actions and how those actions connect to the plot: Writing is a lot like creating a movie in someone’s mind. Actions make it exciting and using words to create images in the reader’s head can be very powerful. Make sure that the actions of the characters connect in some way to the goal of the narrative, or else it won’t make sense in the end and the reader will be left confused.
  • Use adjective series to strengthen the understanding and meaning of a sentence: When a reader can picture and feel what your character is seeing and feeling, this creates a connection, making the narrative more interesting.
  • In an activist essay, use logic, credibility, and emotion to persuade your audience: An activist is someone who tries to open your eyes to an issue which needs to be addressed, so pretend that you are speaking to millions of people and trying to convince them why the issue you’re presenting needs their help.
  • Replace pronouns or nouns whenever you can: Pronouns or nouns can be vague and mislead the reader. There is nothing worse than losing your audience.

This course not only taught the theoretical aspect of writing, but actually gave students the opportunity to practice using those skills in weekly exercises. Duncan Koerber was my professor and he has a way of teaching which engages his students in the lesson as well as explains the concepts clearly and effectively. I took other courses with him as well, but this one was by far my favourite of all the courses I took at York because of both the skills I learned and the excellent professor I had.

Write in haste, revise at leisure.


Yours – A Poem


Softly whispering,
Teasingly promising
A torturous ending.
Darkness descending,
Temptations enticing,
An addiction begging…

To be released.

We’re bound by the very words we speak.
Chained by the flames,
Engraved there, our names
But not in fateful

Drawn to the grounds we first met
I recall…
How can I forget?
It was my downfall, after all.

A story awaits to be told;
An unbreakable bond begins to take hold
Of us…
But which doth complain?
Neither, for it eases our pain.
But we are held captive,
Safe in the trenches of imagination.
And without hesitation,
We nod to
the executioner,
And continue
On the road of
the practitioner.

Our love let unfold,
With no promises of gold,
Let the truth be told…
A relinquished soul, yet so bold.
He now holds the heart of a maiden, so cold.

In this unpromising world, he waited,
Comfortably sedated,
Uncontrollably infatuated,
Purposely deviated…

Until the clock struck nine.

And without hurry and on time,
She appeared.
Without worry and now mine,
She, too, feared.

And in these raw hours,
these walls dare crumble.
But once!
For I am yours…

Hope – A Poem


There’s nowhere to run
As time stands still.
Mistress Darkness embraces you
But you tear away as you look for the light.
You’re so ready to give up
Seeing as there’s no way out.
She has you in her grasp and she’s not letting go.
Been searching for far too long
Never really getting anywhere near
Where you belong.
You’ve tried your luck
But failed each time.
Never finding what you did wrong.
Been proven wrong so many times
You’ve lost track of what is right and what is wrong.
Living inside your head, your thoughts are trapped
With no way out, you search for the light once more
In a desperate rage you scream out but
Never finding what you’re looking for.

One day,
And that day, it shall come.
Like a cold splash of water in the face
You’ll wake up and realize
That you’ve been blind all this time
Looking past the obvious.
The answer to what you’re looking for
Lies in the light.
And the light is not as hard to find.
You just have to never give up because
It keeps you alive,
Feeds your soul everyday with love and happiness
Never letting you go, always there;
Bringing you both joy and despair.
And should it leave,
Every fiber of your being will shrink,
Until you are no more.
Because once you find it
You’ll just know that you can never let it go.

Gone – A Poem


No sunshine on this rainy day,
None of that smile of yours to make me stay,
Without further notice you slipped away
And I was left standing on the quay,
Wondering how we ended up this way.

No pictures on my wall,
I tore them down and hid them all
So that your smiling face wouldn’t watch me fall.
I crawled to the edge of the wall,
And the rain began to fall…
Like soft tear drops of withdrawal.

And I,
I cried for all that remained.